Its been a long time since my last post...been busy with lots of things...trying to adapt to the new environment...its kindda funny to get lost in ur own university...but it happens every single day...i always tend to use a longer way but there is the easiest way to go to class or even to get back to my car....for the past 2 weeks was fun...eventhough i had a pretty tough time during my induction week...but everything was okie :)... i met my old buddies...the classes was ok...the lecturers also fine..but theres a few subject that i'm still hanging...especially those subject that includes arabics elements..i guess i have to work harder this semester...hopes everything going to be fine...
1) I am
2) I'm not... but to realise that, to realise that i am not better than everyone else, gives me humility. I know not to be over confident, and in that sense, i have an edge over most. In that sense, I am special.
To pick the first, according to the second, just shows that I am like ereryone else. Since everyone thinks they are special, it becomes normal, contradicting your 'specialness'.
But if i pick the second, to say that I'm not, it can only be said that I am special, if and only if, i don't realise that I will become humble, and therefore special. To realise this and to 'feel' special only makes you like everyone else. Either way, you end up picking the first. Either way, you are not special!
Is it, then, the fault of the question for not allowing any choice, or is there no choice to begin with? Are we doomed to living a non-special, boring feeble existance? Or is there, by any chance, a third option?
I am confused
(i have no idea what i'm saying here - most probably because it doesn't make any sense)(plus, i forget my point)